Codes of Conduct
As a regulated utility, we are subject to an Inter-Affiliate Code of Conduct and the Gas Utilities Act Code of Conduct Regulation. Each Code of Conduct has a corresponding Compliance Plan. The Compliance Plan contains the necessary policies, procedures, and mechanisms we employ to maintain compliance with the Code of Conduct provisions.
Inter-Affiliate Code of Conduct
Gas Utilities Act Code of Conduct Regulation
The Code of Conduct Regulation is available on the Alberta Utilities Commission Acts and Regulations webpage or the Alberta King’s Printer.
Under the Gas Utilities Act Code of Conduct Regulation, Apex Utilities has specific responsibilities. Complaints about contraventions of the Code of Conduct Regulation can be made to Apex Utilities or directly to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) or the Market Surveillance Administrator (MSA). The Regulation and AUC contacts can be viewed on the AUC’s website at The AUC can be reached by contacting toll free 310-4AUC (inside Alberta), 1-833-511-4AUC (outside Alberta), or The MSA can be reached by contacting 1-403-705-3181 or The Alberta Utilities Commission and the Market Surveillance Administrator are independent of Apex Utilities. To notify AUI regarding any disputes, complaints, or inquiries, the AUI Compliance Officer can be reached by contacting 1-780-986-5215 or by using the contact form.
Billing inquiries should be directed to General and Billing Inquiries at AUI’s Customer Care Centre at 1-866-222-2067 or by using the contact form. Billing inquiries should not be directed to the AUC or MSA.
The Compliance Officer will acknowledge all disputes, complaints, or inquiries in writing (which includes e-mail) within 5 working days of receipt and will respond to the dispute, complaint, or inquiry within 21 working days of receipt. The response will include a description of the dispute, complaint, or inquiry and the initial response of Apex Utilities to the issues identified in the submission. Apex Utilities’ final disposition of the dispute, complaint, or inquiry will be completed as expeditiously as possible in the circumstances, and in any event within 60 days of receipt of the dispute, complaint, or inquiry, except where the party making the submission otherwise agrees.