Utility Scam Awareness

Each year, Canadians lose millions of dollars to scams. Scammers typically use online, telephone, and in-person tactics to target their victims. They can be very compelling and even scam small business owners by taking advantage of busy service hours.

You can detect and report these scammers by:

Verifying authenticity.

Scammers may try to impersonate an Apex Utilities worker. Our field employees wear clothing with an Apex Utilities logo, and our employees and contractors carry Apex Utilities identification. You can ask to see company-issued identification at any time.


We will never request your credit card information over the phone or email. Also, we will never text message you. If you suspect you are being scammed, stop your interaction with the person. When it is safe to do so, call our Customer Care Centre to report the scam.

Reasons we will contact you by phone or email:

  • Account management.
  • Overdue payments.
  • Credit balances.
  • Responding to an inquiry initiated by you.
  • Meter reading discrepancies or changes in usage patterns.
  • Meter recall/exchange.
  • Construction activity that may affect you, your property, or your gas service.
  • Appointment booking when you’ve requested a site visit related to alterations or construction.

Reasons we will visit your property:

  • Lock/reconnect gas service or exchange the gas meter.
  • In response to a safety concern (smell of gas, damaged gas line, etc.).
  • Inspect underground lines for leaks.
  • Assist with relighting gas appliances after an outage.
  • Gas line locating.

We will only require access to your home:

  • In response to a gas emergency called in by you or an emergency response agency. For example, if you smell gas or suspect carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • When you request help with relighting natural gas appliances after a gas meter exchange or gas outage in your area.

Suspect a scam? Call 1-866-222-2067 or Contact Us